The 5 Best Types of Therapy for Anxiety

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September 22, 2022

The 5 Best Types of Therapy for Anxiety


The great thing about seeking therapy for anxiety in 2022 is that there are more treatment options than ever. Unfortunately, this can also be one of the most stressful parts of seeking therapy for anxiety.


Researching all of the different options available to you can be overwhelming and may lead you to feel even more anxious. So we’ve summarized 5 of the best therapy options for you.


Here at KMA, our experienced team of therapists has been providing support to clients with anxiety for over 14 years. We offer a variety of different therapy options for anxiety and specialize in supporting clients by helping them find the best fit for them.


While speaking to your therapist will be the best way to figure out what type of therapy will be ideal for you, we’ve written this article to help you start the conversation.


By the end of this article, you’ll have an understanding of 5 great therapies for anxiety, and some indicators of which might work best for you.


Have questions about anxiety? Take our free Anxiety 101 Quiz to learn more.

5 Effective Therapies for Anxiety


1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an action-based form of therapy, involving exercises and homework between sessions. While this makes CBT a rigorous form of therapy, it also makes it incredibly effective.


CBT can help explore your negative thought patterns and what causes them to replace them with healthy cognitions and beliefs.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may work well for you if:

  • You’re prepared for a rigorous treatment plan
  • You’re seeking out an action-based course of treatment
  • You’re looking to challenge your existing thought patterns to create new ones


Your therapist will help you establish a customized plan to challenge any negative beliefs you have, and create action items to help you change them.


2. Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy


Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is often used in conjunction with CBT. ERP is a combination of exposure therapy and response prevention.


You’ll have the opportunity to explore situations or ideas that are challenging for you, and receive the support you need to minimize your responses to them.


Exposure and Response Prevention may work well for you if:


  • You’re experiencing a phobia or panic disorder
  • You’re experiencing compulsive thoughts or actions
  • You have specific behaviours or reactions that you’d like to change


Your therapist will support you through understanding situations or thoughts that are especially challenging for you, and helping you develop new responses to them.


3. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy seeks to help you find self-awareness and understand how your present behaviour may be influenced by the past.


Psychodynamic Psychotherapy may work well for you if:


  • You’re looking for a relationship-focused form of therapy
  • You’re looking for a less rigorous and less structured experience
  • You’re looking to deeply explore your past experiences and discuss how they may still be impacting you today


Your relationship with your therapist is always important, but it is especially central in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Making sure you find a great therapist will be important. It can be helpful to prepare a list of questions to ask your therapist before your first session.


4. Existential Psychotherapy


Existential Psychotherapy is a relationship-focused form of therapy that explores self-awareness, the choices we make in life, and finding a sense of meaning.


It can help you to figure out your purpose in life, and examine how larger-scale issues may be causing you anxiety in your daily life.


Existential Psychotherapy may work well for you if:


  • Your anxieties are related to death and dying
  • You’re looking to find a deeper sense of meaning in life
  • You’re struggling to find a sense of purpose or motivation


Your therapist will support you by helping you establish what is meaningful to you in life and helping you to find ways to live each day to the fullest.


5. Mindfulness-Based Therapy


Mindfulness-Based Therapy is focused on helping you find nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment – this means accepting the moment as what it is without judging it as good or bad.


Mindfulness-Based Therapy helps you to find a state of curiosity, acceptance, and openness through exercises like meditation.


Mindfulness-Based Therapy may be a great fit for you if:


  • You’re interested in learning how to recognize and identify your feelings
  • You’re looking to change your perspective on negative thoughts or experiences
  • You’re seeking a therapy approach that is less “goal-oriented,” and rather focuses on overall emotional wellbeing


Your therapist will support you by guiding you through exercises that can help you find calming emotional states, and help you experience your emotions without over-identifying with them.


Next Steps for Anxiety Therapy in Toronto


After reading this article, you now have a clear understanding of 5 effective therapies for anxiety, and a sense of which may work best for you.


Here at KMA, our therapy for anxiety begins with a 50-minute introductory session. We’ll explain the therapy process, establish a customized treatment plan for the issues you’re facing, and match you with the best therapist for you.


Register online to book your introductory session now, or connect with our team for more information.


If you’re not yet ready to book an introductory session, explore these resources for more information:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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