Online Therapy

Online Therapy Sessions Across Canada

Do you work from home? Want to avoid the extra commute? Or just prefer the convenience of counseling in the privacy of your own home.

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. Whether you're juggling work responsibilities, family commitments, or simply prefer the comfort of your own space, online therapy offers a solution tailored to your needs.

At KMA Therapy, we're experts in online therapy, with 16 years providing quality care to our clients! We've seen it all and have created this Guide to How Online Therapy in Canada Works.

Why Online Therapy Can Work: Convenience at Your Fingertips

The daily commute can be a drain on both time and energy. By opting for online therapy, you can bypass the stress of navigating traffic or public transportation, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your mental well-being.

In major cities like Toronto, where traffic congestion and long commutes are the norm, online therapy presents a welcome alternative for individuals seeking counseling services. Instead of spending hours stuck in traffic or rushing to catch public transit, clients can now attend therapy sessions from the comfort of their own homes or offices. This not only saves time but also reduces stress and anxiety associated with commuting, allowing clients to arrive at their sessions feeling relaxed and ready to engage in meaningful therapeutic work.

  • Embracing the Comfort of Home: Creating a Safe Space for Healing

Home is where the heart is, and it's also where you can find sanctuary from the outside world. With online therapy, you have the freedom to engage in counseling sessions from the comfort of your own home, surrounded by the people and things that bring you peace.

For many clients, the idea of attending therapy in an unfamiliar office setting can be intimidating. However, online therapy offers a solution by allowing clients to participate in sessions from the familiar environment of their own homes. This sense of comfort and familiarity can enhance the therapeutic experience, enabling clients to feel more relaxed and open during their sessions. Whether you're curled up on the couch or sitting at your kitchen table, online therapy provides a safe and inviting space for healing and growth.

  • Privacy Matters: Confidential Counseling from Anywhere

Confidentiality is paramount in therapy, and online counseling offers a level of privacy that is unparalleled. Whether you're discussing sensitive topics or simply prefer to keep your therapy sessions discreet, online therapy allows you to maintain confidentiality from the comfort of your own space.

Privacy concerns are a common barrier to seeking therapy for many individuals. However, online therapy addresses these concerns by offering secure and confidential counseling services that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. With encrypted video conferencing platforms and strict adherence to privacy regulations, online therapists ensure that client information remains confidential at all times. This allows clients to engage in therapy with peace of mind, knowing that their privacy is protected every step of the way.

Online Counselling Through Secure Video Appointments

In the digital age, technology has revolutionized the way we connect with others—and therapy is no exception. With secure video appointments, online counseling offers a convenient and accessible way to access professional support from anywhere, at any time.

  • Instant Access: Stress-Free Scheduling for Your Convenience

Say goodbye to long wait times and complicated scheduling processes. With online therapy, you can start your journey toward healing with just a few clicks. No logins or passwords required—just stress-free and immediate access to professional support.

One of the most significant advantages of online therapy is its accessibility. Unlike traditional in-person therapy, which often requires lengthy wait times for appointments, online therapy offers instant access to professional support. Clients can schedule sessions at their convenience, without having to worry about navigating complicated scheduling processes or waiting weeks for an available appointment. This ensures that clients receive the support they need when they need it most, without unnecessary delays or barriers to care.

Online Counselling services provided by our therapists

Navigating life's challenges is no easy feat, but you don't have to do it alone. With a diverse range of counseling services provided by our team of experienced therapists, online therapy offers support for a variety of mental health concerns and life circumstances.

  • Specialized Support: Tailoring Therapy to Your Unique Needs

From anxiety and depression to trauma and relationship issues, our therapists are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address a wide range of mental health concerns. With specialized support tailored to your unique needs, online therapy offers a personalized approach to healing and growth.

Each client is unique, and their therapy should reflect that. That's why online therapy offers a wide range of specialized services to address the diverse needs of our clients. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or relationship issues, our therapists have the expertise to provide targeted support tailored to your individual needs. By taking a personalized approach to therapy, we ensure that each client receives the care and attention they deserve, empowering them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

  • Expertise Across the Spectrum: Supporting Clients of All Ages

Life doesn't come with a manual, but therapy can help you navigate its twists and turns with confidence. Whether you're a child, teen, adult, or senior, our therapists are here to support you every step of the way. From childhood trauma to midlife transitions, online therapy offers expertise across the spectrum of human experience.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, and online therapy is designed to meet the unique needs of clients of all ages. Whether you're a child struggling with behavioral issues, a teenager navigating the challenges of adolescence, an adult coping with stress and anxiety, or a senior facing the complexities of aging, our therapists are here to support you every step of the way. With expertise across the spectrum of human experience, we provide comprehensive care that addresses the diverse needs of our clients, empowering them to live happier, healthier lives.

If you're ready to take the first step with therapy

Embarking on the journey toward healing takes courage, but you don't have to do it alone. Whether you're struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues, KMA Therapy offers a safe and supportive space to explore your concerns and work toward positive change. Take the first step today and discover the transformative power of online therapy.

Do I need a referral to see an online therapist in Canada?

Seeking therapy is an important step towards prioritizing your mental health, and at KMA Therapy Toronto, we strive to make the process as accessible and straightforward as possible. While a referral from your family physician can offer valuable insight, it is not a requirement to begin online therapy with us.

At KMA Therapy Toronto, we understand the importance of timely access to support. Our streamlined booking process allows you to schedule appointments quickly and conveniently, often within 24 hours or less. Whether you're navigating stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues, we're here to provide the support you need, when you need it most.

What is the process to book an appointment?

Embarking on your therapy journey with KMA Therapy Toronto is a personalized and supportive experience. When you reach out to us, our intake coordinator will guide you through the initial steps of scheduling your appointment. During a brief intake conversation, we'll take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences. This allows us to match you with a therapist who is best suited to support you on your journey towards healing and growth. Our goal is to ensure that you feel comfortable and empowered from the very beginning, setting the stage for a positive and transformative therapy experience.

Can online therapy be just as effective as traditional, in-person therapy?

Online therapy is a valuable and effective form of mental health treatment, offering benefits comparable to traditional, in-person therapy. Research and evidence support the efficacy of online therapy for a wide range of mental health concerns. Studies have shown that online therapy can be just as beneficial as traditional therapy for conditions such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. For example, a review conducted by the National Library of Medicine concluded that telemental health care, including online therapy, provides effective solutions for the treatment of mental illnesses. This includes isolated communities or individuals with limited mobility, making therapy more accessible and convenient for those who may face barriers to in-person care.

What are the advantages of online counselling?

Online therapy with KMA Therapy Toronto offers numerous advantages for individuals seeking support for their mental health. One of the most significant benefits is the convenience and accessibility it provides. With online therapy, you can receive expert help from the comfort and privacy of your own home, workplace, or any location where you feel comfortable. This eliminates the need for travel and reduces barriers to accessing therapy, making it easier than ever to prioritize your mental well-being. Additionally, online therapy allows for flexible scheduling, enabling you to attend sessions at times that work best for your busy schedule.

What equipment do I need for online therapy?

Accessing online therapy with KMA Therapy Toronto is simple and user-friendly. Our platform is compatible with a wide range of devices, including tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers. Whether you prefer Android, Apple, or Microsoft products, you can easily connect with your therapist using our intuitive platform. With just a few clicks, you'll be seamlessly connected to your therapy session, allowing you to engage in meaningful conversations with your therapist from the comfort of your chosen environment. Our goal is to make the online therapy experience as accessible and convenient as possible, ensuring that you can focus on your journey towards healing without unnecessary barriers.

What should I expect from online therapy?

Entering therapy, whether online or in-person, can evoke a range of emotions and uncertainties. However, at KMA Therapy Toronto, you can expect to receive the same high-quality care and support from our team of compassionate therapists. During your online therapy sessions, you will experience a warm and non-judgmental environment where your story is heard with empathy and understanding. Our therapists are committed to providing unconditional support as you navigate life's challenges, offering guidance, insight, and practical tools to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other concern, our therapists are here to help you every step of the way.

Does my insurance cover online counselling?

Understanding whether your insurance covers online counselling is an important aspect of seeking therapy. At KMA Therapy Toronto, many benefit programs include coverage for services provided by Registered Psychologists, Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Social Workers. However, coverage may vary depending on your specific insurance plan and provider.We encourage you to check with your benefits provider to determine if online counselling services are included in your plan. If coverage is available, you can rest assured that our therapists will provide you with the necessary documentation, including the therapist's license number and credentials, for reimbursement purposes. Your well-being is our top priority, and we're committed to helping you access the support you need in a way that aligns with your insurance coverage.

Is online counselling private and secure?

Ensuring the privacy and security of your therapy sessions is paramount at KMA Therapy Toronto. We understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for our clients, both online and in-person. You can trust that your online counselling sessions with KMA Therapy Toronto are conducted with the utmost care and respect for your privacy.

How do I prepare for an online counselling session?

Preparing for an online counselling session is an important step towards maximizing its effectiveness and ensuring a positive experience. To get the most out of your session, we recommend finding a quiet and private space where you can feel comfortable and focused. Creating a conducive environment free from distractions allows you to fully engage in the therapeutic process and explore your thoughts and feelings with openness and vulnerability. You may also find it helpful to jot down any topics or issues you wish to discuss with your therapist beforehand, ensuring that you make the most of your time together.

At KMA Therapy Toronto, our therapists are dedicated to providing you with personalized support and guidance tailored to your unique needs and goals. By taking the time to prepare for your online counselling session, you can embark on your therapy journey with confidence and clarity, knowing that you're taking an important step towards healing and growth.

What is online counselling and how does it work?

Online counselling offers a convenient and accessible way to receive mental health support from the comfort of your own home. At KMA Therapy Toronto, online counselling is delivered remotely via video conferencing, phone, or messaging, allowing you to connect with your therapist from anywhere with an internet connection. During your online counselling session, you will communicate with your therapist through a secure and confidential platform, ensuring the same level of care and support as you would receive in an in-person session. Your therapist will listen attentively to your concerns, offer guidance and insight, and provide you with practical tools and strategies to help you navigate life's challenges.

Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any other mental health concern, online counselling with KMA Therapy Toronto offers a supportive and non-judgmental space for you to explore your thoughts and emotions, gain clarity and perspective, and work towards positive change and personal growth.

Online Therapy in Canada

‍Online therapy has risen in popularity in the past few years, and it’s no surprise. Let’s answer some of your biggest questions about online therapy.

What is online therapy?

Online therapy is a really attractive option for receiving your therapy services in today’s world! You might be seeking online therapy for the same reasons as you’d seek in-person therapy, but might prefer online for one or many reasons.

You can do many types of therapies online - including CBT, existential counselling, relationship and marriage counselling, and coaching! 

An online therapist is a trained professional and has clinical experience of face-to-face counselling, as well as specific training in Counselling Theory and Skills. 

What are the advantages of getting online therapy in Canada?

Getting online therapy has many advantages, and here are just a few:

No Commute

Online therapy, even if you’re seeing an in-person local professional, is remote, so you won’t need to leave the comfort and safety of home. No need to fight traffic or pay huge bucks for parking. This is a huge advantage if you’re a busy person.

Easier to Maintain Consistency

Since you can hop into a session from anywhere (provided that it’s quiet and confidential), maintaining weekly sessions isn’t as much of a challenge. Maintaining consistency in attendance can hugely impact your therapy outcomes and help you see results faster.

Better Access to the Right Fit

Since you won’t necessarily be limited to finding a therapy practice in your close geographical neighbourhood (If you live in Ontario you can receive online therapy from any professional licensed in Ontario), this opens up the possibilities to finding the right practice that actually suits your needs. 


As long as you’re seeing an online therapist who’s located and licensed in the province of Ontario, you’ll typically be able to claim the sessions under your insurance plan, if it covers services of the mental health professional you’re seeing. 

Is online therapy right for me?

Getting therapy online isn’t the right fit for absolutely everyone. Here are some important things to consider if online therapy is right for you:

Privacy and Space

You’ll need to have a safe, secure spot where you can talk candidly with no interruptions. If you live with other people, are there times in the week when you’re alone in your home? Can you find somewhere that you can speak without being overheard?

Internet Connection

Having access to wifi and a fast connection is imperative to prevent technical issues and dropoffs. Therapy can be a vulnerable experience to begin with, so ensuring your therapist doesn’t freeze or unexpectedly cut out during the session can help it feel more safe.


Just remember that online therapy in Toronto and Ontario will be roughly the same cost as in person therapy. So if you’re just seeking online therapy for economical reasons, it may not work out.

Your Specific Reason for Therapy

What exactly brings you to therapy and what are you hoping to achieve? While virtual therapy can be just as effective as in person therapy, it does depend on the issue you’re facing. 

Online therapy is best suited for life issues, relationship issues, low level anxiety and depression, and issues that are not clinical in nature. If you’re facing a crisis situation or psychosis, online therapy may not be the right fit for you.

How Much Do Online Therapy Sessions Cost?

Fees for therapeutic services in Ontario range anywhere from $50 to $300 per session based on a variety of factors including educational background, experience, type of therapy, psychologist supervision, and office costs.

How Much Do Online Therapy Sessions Cost here at KMA: 

Here at KMA, your initial intake session is 50-minutes and costs $190.‍

Your first session is an intake session to learn more about you and get you started on the perfect plan of action for you!

‍Here at KMA, your follow up sessions are 50-minutes and cost $245.

Your follow up sessions are designed to produce results based on the goals from your intake session. You'll meet weekly or bi-weekly with your therapist and we'll check in regularly to ensure optimal results.

Is Online Therapy/Counselling Covered by OHIP?

Unfortunately, most therapy services in Ontario are not covered by OHIP. This includes most psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers. 

The prices and services offered by private offices range widely. Read our articles How Much Does Therapy Cost? and What Are the Different Types of Therapists? to learn more about these services and costs.

Even though many therapy services are not covered under OHIP, there are options out there. Read our article “Is Therapy Covered by OHIP?” to learn about all of the options.

How Many Online Therapy Sessions Do I Need?

How many online therapy sessions you will need usually depends on the scope of your issues and the many factors unique to you. Generally speaking, most people will have a sense of when counselling has been successfully completed. 

Most people find weekly sessions the most productive, and some may find bi-weekly or twice-a-week sessions are the right pace for them. Your online therapist will work with you to create a plan of action that’s right for you!

How Does Online Therapy at KMA work?

Online Therapy here at KMA Therapy begins with a 50-minute introductory session with one of our intake counsellors. In these fifty minutes, we will ask important questions to determine the severity of the problem and the treatment approach needed.

  • Why are you seeking counselling at this time?
  • What are you experiencing in your day-to-day life that could be improved?
  • We learn about your upbringing, family, and past experiences. 
  • Create goals based on what your individual needs and desires are.

We’re also asking questions to get a better sense of your personality. Here at KMA, we believe it’s very important that we get to know you so that your counsellor is the ‘right fit’. The consultation is also a wonderful time to address any questions you may have.

Finally, we will provide you with a customised plan of action – this includes the recommended therapist who is best equipped to suit your needs, a recommended duration of therapy (if applicable), and a recommendation for any additional testing or psychological services we feel would be helpful.

Many of our counselling services are covered under health insurance plans, and this will fall under the category of “Psychologist Services”.  Here at KMA Therapy, we are strongly dedicated and motivated to help you resolve your issues in a safe, professional and warm environment.

Can I see a therapist both online and in-person?


Whether you want exclusively online therapy with the option for in person services once in a blue moon, have a therapy-app in-person therapist combo, or visit a local healthcare professional and opt for occasional online sessions, all are possible and totally effective.

The most important thing is that you’re getting the help you need, period! 

Here are KMA, we offer both in person and virtual therapy, so you have in-person access to sessions at our 5 locations across Toronto.

Get Started with Online Therapy in Toronto, Ontario, or Canada Today

Getting Help at KMA is as easy as completing our online registration form. Our care coordinator will reach out to you with more information about your introductory appointment.

We have five locations throughout Toronto, as well as online therapy options. 

To learn more about online therapy, give us a call at 416-487-6288. We are open Monday through Sunday from 10am-9pm.

In the meantime, check out these helpful articles that help answer your questions about online therapy: 

Counselling is one of many other mental health therapies. We want to ensure that you receive the kind of care you need.

Let us help you get back the freedom you deserve.

KMA Therapy

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Ontario's Premier Counselling Practice

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