The Top 5 Issues Seen in Sex Therapy

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March 9, 2023

The Top 5 Issues Seen in Sex Therapy


With all the types of therapy available today, it can be hard to know what type of therapist to see for which issues.


You may think you know everything that sex therapy can help with – but you might be surprised at just how helpful it can be.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know you want to know what to expect from your therapy experience. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients find the best type of therapy and the best therapist to reach their goals.


After reading this article, you’ll know what sex therapy is, the top five reasons to see a sex therapist, and what happens during sex therapy.


What is Sex Therapy?


Sex therapy helps you address medical, psychological, personal, and relational issues that are impacting your sexual satisfaction.


Ultimately, the goal of sex therapy is to help you achieve healthy sexual development. This can include exploring sexual desire, compulsive sexual behaviour, and sexual identity questions.


Whether you’re partnered up or single, there are a variety of issues you may decide to navigate with a sex therapist.

sex therapy issues toronto


The Five Most Common Issues Seen in Sex Therapy


You might choose to see a sex therapist for a wide range of issues, from anxiety to stress to infidelity.


Here are five common reasons people seek out sex therapy:


  1. Sexual Pain or Dysfunction
  2. Low Sexual Desire
  3. Issues Involving Porn
  4. Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation
  5. Past Trauma Impacting Sex Life


1. Sexual Pain or Sexual Dysfunction


Unwanted pain during sex can take a huge toll on your life and relationships.


Sex therapists can help you navigate and manage sexual pain or sexual dysfunction.


Seeing a sex therapist can help with:


  • Vaginismus
  • Painful erections
  • Painful intercourse
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Difficulties reaching orgasm


Although there can be a variety of medical reasons why these issues occur, oftentimes they can be helped through therapy.


For example, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an effective treatment for both vaginismus and erectile dysfunction.


2. Low Sexual Desire


Everyone has different levels of sexual desire, and it’s normal for your sex drive to fluctuate throughout your life.


But if low libido is causing you stress, speaking to a sex therapist can help.


Seeing a sex therapist can help address libido issues like:


  • Stress or depression that is impacting your libido
  • Relationship issues caused by mismatched sex drives
  • Past experiences or traumas that are still affecting you


sex therapist porn addiction toronto

3. Issues Involving Porn


An unhealthy relationship with porn can have a big impact on your life – whether you’re in a relationship or not.


Many people choose to see a sex therapist to help navigate porn addiction – where an unhealthy relationship with porn impacts your relationships, thoughts, emotions, and the ability to live your daily life.


But people also often see sex therapists to speak about their partner’s use of porn and how it impacts their relationship.


A sex therapist is a great person to talk to if you’re struggling with porn addiction, or if conversations about porn are putting a strain on your relationship.


4. Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation


If you’re having questions about your gender identity or sexual orientation, speaking to a sex therapist can help.


Talking with an LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist doesn’t have to revolve around your sex life.


But if you want to discuss how your gender identity or sexual identity is impacting your sex life, a sex therapist is a great person to talk to.


5. Past Trauma Impacting Your Sex Life


Traumatic experiences can impact your sex life – regardless of whether the trauma was sexual.


Any past traumas can make it feel difficult to maintain relationships or be intimate with someone else.


This might look like:


  • A lack of sexual desire
  • Avoidance and irritability
  • Difficulty expressing feelings
  • Fear of touch (including non-sexual touch)


If you’re dealing with trauma that’s impacting your sex life, be sure to see a sex therapist that is also experienced with trauma therapy.


What Happens During Sex Therapy?


Sex therapists use a wide range of therapeutic techniques.


Your therapists will work with you to find out what will be best for your unique situation.


Common therapeutic techniques used in sex therapy include:


  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Mindfulness-Based Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Therapy


Regardless of their therapeutic approach, your sex therapist will be empathetic and non-judgemental while helping you navigate through the issues you’re facing.


How Can I Find a Sex Therapist?


When finding a sex therapist, make sure to choose someone whom you feel comfortable around. You’ll be opening up about vulnerable topics, and you want a therapist who can confidently support you.


You can find a sex therapist by searching on sites like PsychologyToday, doing a local search, or asking your family doctor for a recommendation.


Read How to Find a Sex Therapist in Toronto for a step-by-step walkthrough.


Next Steps for Beginning Sex Therapy


After reading this article, you know how to recognize whether sex therapy will be a great solution for the problems you’re facing.


Here at KMA Therapy, our caring team of therapists is here to help you get the care and support you deserve.


Book an appointment today, or connect with our team if you have more questions.


You can also check out our Sex and Intimacy Issues page to explore therapy at KMA.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, check out these resources to keep learning:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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