What Is a Therapy Introductory Session?

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November 2, 2023

What Is a Therapy Introductory Session?

Coming to your first introductory therapy session can be very exciting, but it can also be nerve wracking when you don't know what to expect. 

Here at KMA Therapy, we know how empowering it feels to know what to expect when entering a new situation. We’re here to explain every step of the therapy process so that you feel prepared.

In this article, we’ll walk you through exactly what to expect during an introductory therapy session so that you can feel confident and comfortable coming in. 

3 Things that Happen During Your Therapy Introductory Session

Your first introductory session is a gateway to your therapy journey. It's designed to help you find the best therapist and the best type of therapy for you. 

1. Consent

The first thing your therapist is going to cover with you is consent.

You may think it's not as simple as saying, “I consent to therapy,” but it involves a lot of components. 

When understanding consent, you’ll go over:

  • Risks and benefits of therapy
  • Emergency and crisis procedures
  • Confidentiality and limits to confidentiality
  • Our clinic policies and procedures here at KMA Therapy 

2. Information gathering

After you've covered the basics, your therapist will start asking questions about you. 

Information gathering is a vital part of the introductory session. Your therapist will generally ask you a lot of questions about your background, your mental health, and your goals. 

Any information you provide in the introductory session is super beneficial. While it may be very hard to share information with someone you're meeting for the very first time, giving your therapist more information sets you up for the best therapy experience. 

3. Asking questions

Next, it's your time to ask the questions. 

Some common questions that you might have are:

  • How long does therapy take? 
  • How should I prepare for therapy?
  • What can I expect during the therapy process? 

This is the time to ask all your questions. Now you're ready for the plan of action. Your introductory therapist will use all of the information they gathered to come up with a plan of action for you. 

This will include things like the type of therapy best suited for you, how long you'll need to be in therapy, and the therapist who's best suited for you.

After your introductory session, you'll have everything you need to start your therapy journey. At the end of the session, you'll feel ready to conquer therapy.

Next Steps for Beginning Therapy

After reading this article, you know the three main things to expect during your introductory session.

Ready to get started? Fill out our Registration Form to take the first step and connect with our caring team - we’re here to help.

If you’d prefer to keep reading, check out these articles to learn more:

Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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