How to Reach Out to a Therapist in Toronto

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January 24, 2024

How to Reach Out to a Therapist in Toronto

You’ve scoured the internet to find the top therapists near you, narrowed down your list to your favourites, and now it’s time to start reaching out to them.

This might seem like the easiest step in your therapy journey, especially after you’ve done so much research.

But if reaching out to a new therapist feels intimidating and overwhelming, you’re definitely not alone.

Here at KMA Therapy, we’ve spent over 15 years connecting our clients with the therapists who are the best fit for them. We’re here to help you take the first step in your therapy journey and feel confident when finding the best therapist for you.

After reading this article, you’ll know how to reach out to therapists in Toronto, what to ask them, and what to expect when beginning therapy.

Getting Ready to Reach Out

Before reaching out to potential therapists, there are a few things you’ll want to prepare.

Make sure you write down a list including:

  • Your availability for therapy (and which days/times you prefer)
  • The type of therapy you’re interested in
  • The best number to reach you at
  • The issues you’re experiencing
  • Any questions you have

You don’t need to have an exact idea of what type of therapy you want - your therapist’s job will be to help you find something that works for you!

But having a clear idea of what you like and dislike and types of therapy that sound interesting to you can be helpful when choosing which therapist to see.

After you have all your information organized, it’s time to start reaching out.

3 Ways to Reach Out to a Toronto Therapist

There’s no wrong way to reach out to a therapist, but following these tips will help you reach out with confidence and clarity.

how to contact a toronto therapist

1. Filling out a therapy registration form

If a therapy office has a registration form available online, this can be one of the easiest ways to reach out to them.

The form will often ask for information like your name, email address, phone number, and availability.

Most forms will also have space for you to add additional information about what you’re experiencing or ask any questions you have.

(If you have a preference between phone or email, this is a great place to include it!)

After filling out this form, you’ll be contacted by the therapist or their administrative team to book your first appointment.

2. Emailing a therapist

Another way to contact a therapist is through email.

It’s a quick and convenient way to reach out to multiple therapy offices with the same information.

Here’s an email template to make the process even faster:

Hello [therapist name],
I’m interested in starting therapy in [when you want to start.] Do you have any availability to take on new clients?
I’m seeking out therapy to help with [brief explanation of what you’re experiencing – 1 to two sentences is fine!]
I was also wondering what the payment process is like, and if you take [your insurance.]
Thank you,
[Your name]

Comparing email replies is a great way to see which therapist is the best fit for your needs and your budget.

3. Phoning a therapist

Phoning a therapy office can feel intimidating, but it’s often the most effective way to get your questions answered quickly.

When phoning a therapist, you may end up speaking to them directly, or if they’re with a larger practice, speaking to a member of the administrative team.

Either way, their job is to make you feel comfortable when talking to them. Don’t feel pressured to make sure the conversation goes well - if they’re hard to talk to over the phone, it could be a sign that they’re not the right fit for you anyway.

A good therapy office will make you feel comfortable and heard, taking the time to answer your questions. They may even take your email down to send you additional resources, like free therapy guides and booking information.

Phoning a therapist is when the list you wrote down at the beginning of this article will really come in handy.

Check things off as you go to make sure you’re asking all your questions, and don’t be afraid to take notes of their answers!

What to Expect Next

After taking the first step to reach out, many therapists and offices offer a free fifteen-minute consultation to help you learn about whether they’re the right fit for you.

Here at KMA Therapy, your first appointment will go a bit differently.

Your introductory appointment will be a 50-minute session with one of our specialized introductory therapists.

They’ll explore your history, learn what you’re looking for in a therapist, and recommend the best therapist in our practice for you.

What to Ask Your Toronto Therapist

During your first meeting with your therapist, it’s normal to have a lot of questions.

While your therapist will have a lot of questions for you, make sure to take the time to ask them questions, too.

Questions to ask your therapist include:

  • How much experience do you have working with issues like mine?
  • What will my treatment plan look like?
  • What does a typical session look like?
  • How often should I attend sessions?
  • Can you give me a diagnosis?

Our article 22 Questions to Ask Your New Therapist offers an extensive list of questions to ask (don’t worry, you don’t need to ask them all!)

Next Steps for Starting Therapy in Toronto

After reading this article, you have all the information you need to start reaching out to therapists in the GTA!

Here at KMA Therapy, we’re here to help make things easier for you. Our administrative team and care coordinators are here to make your journey easy, and help you to feel comfortable every step of the way.

Reach out to our friendly admin team or fill out our registration form for more information.

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Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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