How Does Journaling Help Anxiety? (& 22 Free Journal Prompts)

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May 13, 2023

How Does Journaling Help Anxiety? (& 22 Free Journal Prompts)


We all deal with anxiety.


Sometimes, it passes quickly. Once a stressful situation is over, your anxiety leaves along with it.


Other times, your anxiety can persist and linger for days, - even when you can’t identify a real cause behind it.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know you’re tired of the anxiety that interferes with your daily life. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients explore new ways to cope with and manage their anxiety.


After reading this article, you’ll know how journaling can help ease your anxiety and have 22 new journal prompts to help you get started.


How Does Journaling Help Anxiety?


Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your emotions and uncover subconscious feelings that you weren’t even aware of.


Benefits of journaling include:


  • Reducing your stress
  • Boosting your physical health
  • A deeper connection to your emotions
  • Managing existing mental health conditions
  • Exploring your sense of self and self-discovery

Journaling has often been recommended for easing anxiety because it provides an immediate, accessible outlet to help soothe your anxious feelings.


22 Journal Prompts for Anxiety


These 22 journal prompts will help you challenge limiting beliefs, uncover your strengths, and explore ways to manage your anxiety.


Prompts Reflecting on Past Experiences


1. Think of one of your most challenging experiences. How did you overcome it?

2. What is an example of a time you failed? What did you learn?

3. What is a memory from childhood where you felt successful?

4. When in your childhood did you feel the most afraid?

5. What would you say to comfort your younger self?

6. What are five of your happiest moments in life?

7. What memory would you like to let go of?


Prompts Reflecting on Your Strengths


8. Imagine you’re talking to a friend dealing with anxiety. What would you say to reassure them?

9. Think of a person who truly sees you. What would they say are your five biggest skills?

10.  Write a list of ten things you’re good at – they can be silly or serious!

11.  What are the best compliments you’ve received from other people?

12.  In what ways have you taken care of yourself lately?

13.  Write a love letter to yourself.

14.  What are your core values?


Prompts to Ease Your Anxiety


15.  Who is someone you have a hard time forgiving? Write them a letter explaining your feelings (You don’t have to send it)

16.  What was your biggest dream as a child? If you had magical powers, how would you make it come true?

17.  What is an inspiring quote from your favourite song or movie? Why do you connect with this quote?

18.  What is one of your biggest fears? What would you say to comfort a friend with the same far?

19.  Write an inventory of ten things that help ease your anxiety (i.e. weighted blankets, exercise)

20.  Write down one positive affirmation you can repeat every morning.

21.  Write down three things you’re excited about.

22.  What often triggers your anxiety?


Next Steps for Managing Anxiety


After reading this article, you know why journaling can help manage your anxiety and 22 new journal prompts to help you get started.


Here at KMA Therapy, we know you sometimes need extra support. For over 14 years, we’ve helped our clients navigate their anxiety and learn new ways to cope.


Book an appointment today or connect with our caring team to learn more.


If you’re not yet ready to book an appointment, explore these articles to keep learning:


Author |
Emily Weatherhead (Guest Author)
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KMA Therapy

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